Personal Calendar - Spring 2019
Coding project for an introductory course at Carnegie Mellon
About the project
Created as a term project for a 15-112, I wanted make something that was practical and fun to use which led to MyOrganizer. In it’s basic form, MyOrganizer is a desktop calendar much like iCal which can schedule events and keep notes in the margin. It also has the ability to interface with Google Calendar to sync events across platforms. The most interesting feature is the auto-scheduling which can add events to your day in the most optimal order.
Video Demo
The video describes the basic functionality of the program and some of the more interesting features!
My favorite part
It was fun being able to work on such a large project and be able to apply what I had learned to a real project. It was very satisfying when I was able to make a big breakthrough with a feature I was trying to implement.